Thursday, December 23, 2010

Abraham-El cantar de un niño

Para los padres que no tiene tiempo con su niño. Ver este video le dar la oportunidad de dale un regalo... Feliz Navidad 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gran Reunión Empresarial Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton: (ABE)

Hoy: 12-22-2010


Gran Reunión Empresarial
Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton:
Ven a ser Parte de una Nueva Generación Empresarios del siglo XXI.
Te Gustaría conocer un Nuevo Concepto de Negocios, que está Marcando la Diferencia en el modo de Vivir del Siglo XXI, En nuestra Zona…

Un educador que vino a este país en busca de un sueño, el cuál no encontró, por este motivo tuvo varios empleos tradicionales hasta que conoció una oportunidad que lo esta llevando a realizar sus sueños. Directamente desde Lancaster, PA

Cirilo Ventura

Viene a compartir con
nosotros sus Experiencia y Éxitos NO TE LO PUEDES PERDER!

Hora y lugar

               120 W 3rd Street
               Bethlehem PA 18015
(Frente de Perkins Rest.) Hora: 7:30pm

Nelson Padilla Cell: (610) 570-2522
Miguel Martínez Cell: (484) 241-5657

The Secret to a Longer Life

What is the secret to a longer life? Is it supporting your health with 4Life products? While that's definitely a great idea, in the November 30, 2010 issue of USA Today, journalist and lecturer Gail Sheehy wrote that selfless caregivers might experience greater longevity. Stephanie Brown, associate professor of preventive medicine at SUNY-Stonybrook, followed a group of older adults caring for family members with dementia and other conditions. If they offered care for more than 14 hours a week, they were less likely to die in a seven-year period than their peers. This study makes one wonder if "survival of the kindest" is perhaps even more important than "survival of the fittest."

In an interview with Berkeley Psychology professor Dacher Keltner, Sheehy learned that caring for people is just as much a part of science as "fight or flight." Berkeley and Stanford Universities even have compassion centers devoted to the study and teaching of this theory. Sheehy also noted in her article that the 40 richest Americans who took the Giving Pledge—to commit the majority of their wealth to charity—are either middle-aged or elderly themselves. Sheehy's interpretation? Nice guys don't finish last—they die last!

Those of us who love to serve others recognize that doing good is in and of itself the greatest reward, but isn't it nice to know that it also comes with great side-effects? Since this is the season for giving, it's heartwarming to know that giving of ourselves is good for others and us. Now we have even more proof that the 4Life pillars of science, success, and service help us to build other people... and ourselves, too!

Sheehy, Gail. "The secret to longer life could be selflessness, scientists say." USA Today. 30 Nov 2010.

4Life President Steve Tew Appears on the TODAY Show

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

TODAY show host Janice Huff with 4Life President Steve Tew and his wife Sherma

In 2007, we had the opportunity to travel to New York City to represent Foundation 4Life® and 4Life distributors on the TODAY show. Bianca appeared on-air to donate more than 600 blankets and pillows and 4000 bottles of enummi® Intensive Body Lotion to the TODAY show holiday toy drive. It was so exciting to be invited by the Direct Selling Association (DSA) to make this presentation.

This holiday season, it was a great honor for 4Life to again appear on the TODAY show. Once again, it is because of the culture of caring and generosity that exists in the hearts of our wonderful distributors. This past Sunday, 4Life President Steve Tew and his wife Sherma represented the company and our distributors with a donation to the drive of more than $120,000 in school supplies and Life C®, 4Life's seven-sourced vitamin C product. The donation consisted of more than 1,000 backpacks. Each pack included a water bottle, one bottle of Life C, colored pencils, crayons, a dual sharpener, and a pad of paper.

We know that our company could not have been better represented than with Steve and Sherma. We watched it all the way over here in Italy and they both did great!